Tales from the Spectrum

My 3 year old son Q exists on the high functioning side of the Autism Spectrum. I also have a NT (neurotypical) 1 year old daughter, C. Once Autism enters your life, you are never the same. Your life becomes anything but typical. Is that good or bad? I can't say yet. Here are some tales from our corner of the Spectrum.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Merge the blogs!

For anyone who might find this blog and is interested in autism or parenting a child on the autism spectrum, please visit my other blog "A Housewife's Dilemma". I didn't have time to maintain two blogs and I found it difficult to separate the aspects of my life that dealt with autism from my everyday experiences, so I decided to combine them, knowing that sometimes I would blog about autism and sometimes I would just blog about motherhood. You are welcome to read along as I live life on the fringes of the autism spectrum.


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